
Water Heater Products

DIRECT VENT STORAGE GAS WATER HEATER – is well suited for larger homes with multiple
bathrooms and Bathtubs and for
families with teenagers, who typically take longer and more frequent showers.

Wood burning water heaters are heating appliances that are using wood as the energy source for domestic hot water (DHW) preparation. They are pioneers in the water heating industry.

We are one of the noted manufacturers and exporters of Solar Water Heater. In this we offer Commercial Solar Water Heater. Industrial Water Heater, Large Scale Solar Water Heater and Domestic Solar Water Heater.

Heat Pump Water Heater is the most energy efficient and guaranteed way to heat water for 365 days. it is a Combination of renewable and conventional (electrical) energy as maximum energy for heating water is consumed from the atmosphere and only a fraction of energy is consumed from electricity. This technological combination will fulfill your need of energy saving and assurance of getting hot water through out the Year.

our latest works


Here, you can have a look some of work, recently done.

7000 liters capacity wood fired water heater installed at Shirdi :

4 kg. cm. sq. pressurised cold water inlet supply connected with wood fired water heating system and pressurised hot water supply goes to 2 buildings of campus . System is split type – hot water circulation pump is installed between hot water generator and hot water mixing tank.
38° C temperature rise (25° C to 63° C) in 7000 liters water volume by using 190 kg. bio bricks as a fuel.

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our range:

Glass-lined steel tanks & piping equipment.

Complete Range of Water Heaters.

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