There are many ways used for heating water. But most of them are not energy efficient or not reliable for 365 days. Heat-Pump Water Heater is the most energy efficient and guaranteed way to heat water for 365 days. Heat-Pump Water Heater is combination of renewable and conventional (electrical) energy. Here maximum energy for water heating comes from atmosphere and only fraction of energy comes from electricity. This technological combination will fulfill your need of energy saving and assurance of getting hot water through out the year.
Sunline HEAT PUMP WATER HEATERS are very different. Here electricity is not converted directly in to heat, rather it is used to move heat from one place to another – air to water, so you get an increased volume of hot water – about 3.5 to 4 times after using one time electric power. You spend rupee & get benefit of 3.5 to 4 rupees.
Coefficient of Performance (COP), is an expression of the efficiency of a heat pump. Higher COPs equate to lower operating cost.
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